Welcome, alliance CEnter community! 

We are so grateful for our inspiring community of tenants! Use the following resources to make your time with us as comfortable and productive as possible.




The Alliance Center’s conference rooms are available free of charge for tenants with at least one desk. These rooms can be reserved in advance via The Alliance Center’s online portal. To access the online portal for the first time, follow the ‘Forgot Your Password?’ instructions in order to create an account. Once you’re logged in, book a room by clicking the Reservations tab and choosing the desired room, day and time. In absence of a reservation, rooms are available on a first come, first served basis from the wall panels on each floor.

For Virtual and Hot Desk tenants, your organization has a shared allotment of 6 or 12 hours each month for conference room usage, spread among the different sized rooms. Beyond those hours, a fee will apply. You can book using the online portal, which will show you when a charge applies.

Coworkers can rent conference rooms for an additional cost through the online portal.

If you need help reserving a conference room, please email

Each tenant is provided a certain monetary allotment per year to use this space for free. Beyond that allotment, there is a discounted cost for use. If you’d like to reserve the first floor event space, or if you have any questions, please contact a member of our Events team at or submit an event space inquiry here.

Yes, absolutely! Just get in touch with our Events team at or submit an event space inquiry here.

Our sixth floor is only as big as an elevator lobby, so we have it outfitted with several different seating options, a small library and a semi-private meditation area. It’s usually pretty quiet up there, so it’s a great place to go for focused work. It is used occasionally for yoga or video recordings, in which case we will put up signage. If you’d like to ‘reserve’ the space for a video recording, please email

  • Make sure to reserve a room for all meetings, either through the online portal or through the reservation panels.
  • Make sure the room you’re walking into is the one you reserved.
  • Cancel reservations that you no longer need.
  • End your meeting on time so that the next reservation can start their meeting on time.
  • Tidy up the room before you leave (wipe down the boards, push the chairs in, turn off the television).

If you have any questions or find that others may need a reminder about the room usage guidelines, please email


We have bike parking in the elevator lobbies, the basement storage area and the parking lot. Please use what we have and don’t bring your bike into your suite unless all the parking options are filled. If your bike is wet or excessively dirty, kindly park it either outside or in the basement so that the cork floors in the upstairs areas are not damaged. We highly encourage anyone storing their bicycle in outside locations throughout Denver to use a sturdy lock and to not leave the bicycle unattended overnight. 

Note: According to ADA regulations, you can’t lock your bike up to the ramp or walkway in front of the building.

We are very close to public transportation and bike trails, but if you need to utilize the parking lot, you are able to park in our parking lot for $20 (full day) or $8/hour. Payment is collected online using a company called Pay By Phone. You can download their app or create an account on their website:

Please only park in the parking spots that are labeled “Hourly Parking” with the green signage. Any of the parking spots that are reserved are for monthly parkers and require a hang tag. There is no free parking and you will be ticketed if you do not pay for parking appropriately and/or park in a reserved parking spot that is not yours. 

If you have any issues with the parking lot day to day, please let us know. We monitor the parking lot, but definitely do not catch everything and can’t help you out when we don’t know. You can swing by the front desk or email

If you’re interested in a reserved parking space for you or your organization, please reach out to for pricing and availability.

We wish we could! Unfortunately, EcoPasses have to be managed by each employee’s organization, so we’re not able to provide them for the building. However, if your organization would like to learn more, you can find details here.


For the most part, well-behaved dogs are welcome at The Alliance Center! We love our furry friends and know they are great for people’s health and well-being. However, some suites may have different guidelines (such as one dog at a time, only on Fridays, or no dogs at all) so it’s worth checking with your suitemates first. Regardless, we have a zero-tolerance policy for dogs that are aggressive to other dogs or to people and those pups may be banned from the building. Please do not leave dogs unattended and always clean up after them. We have bags in the parking lot for walking your pup and extra cleaning supplies at the Information Desk on the first floor if you need them!

There are many more details in your organization’s legal agreement if you want to get technical, but long story short, we know that accidents happen. Please let us know if something is broken or damaged so that we can fix it as quickly as possible. Depending on the extent of the damage, either you or your organization may be responsible for repairing or replacing what was damaged.

Unfortunately, no. We ask that you don’t move furniture out of the conference rooms because the tables are expensive and easily damaged. Additionally, people expect certain furniture and a certain number of chairs in each room, so if furniture moves around it can impact other tenants. 

Yes, you can use a conference room over the weekend. Just make sure you have your key card to access the building. Wifi and lights will still work, but please email if you need heating or A/C so we can turn it on for you. 


Yes, we love incorporating nature into the built environment!

Unfortunately, no. We want to keep the building looking uniform and feel that we have planned for enough furniture for each tenant. The amount of furniture in each suite is the best maximum amount that our architects designated for each space. However, if you do need additional bookshelves or cabinets, please let an Alliance staff member know, and we will do what we can to accommodate!

If you’d like to hang something on the drywall, please run it by an Alliance Center staff member first. We do not permit the hanging of items on the brick or the historic timbers.

From 6am–5:30pm, Monday–Friday, the temperatures are set at 70–74 degrees in occupied suites. There are multiple zones serving conference rooms, private offices and suites. Tenants have the ability to change the temperature within this range utilizing the thermostat in the vicinity of the space they are in. During after or weekend hours, the temperature remains off until a thermostat is manually changed. For a specific need requiring after hours or weekend heating or cooling, or if you have any questions, please notify our staff at You can also reference this how-to guide which will answer some common questions. 

Suite huddles are an opportunity for a shared suite (a suite with several different organizations) to get together and discuss norms and expectations for their common area. It’s facilitated by Alliance Center staff and usually involves coffee and treats. It’s a great chance for each suite to set their own culture around things like noise levels and tidiness. If you’re interested in nominating your suite for a huddle, please email

In the interest of energy efficiency, we try to limit the number of extra electronic items brought into the building. We have already provided coffee makers, toasters and tea kettles on each floor and a shared printing service, as well as many other community electronic items. If you need to bring in something like an extra monitor to help your work productivity, please do so! But otherwise, we ask that you use our shared services so that we can continue to be an energy efficient building. 

The exception to this is a space heater—those are never allowed due to fire danger.


We have a large first-aid cabinet located on the first floor, just outside of the kitchen. We also have smaller first aid kits in a cabinet in each of the kitchenettes. Feel free to help yourself to whatever you need!

Yes, we do have an AED. It’s located on the first floor, just outside of the kitchen, and several members of our team are certified to use an AED. Regardless, Colorado is a Good Samaritan state, meaning any person or entity whose primary duties do not include the provision of health care and who, in good faith and without compensation, renders emergency care or treatment by the use of an AED shall not be liable for any civil damages for acts or omissions made in good faith. 

The Alliance Center has developed an Emergency Action Plan (EAP) which includes details for many types of emergencies. We hope to never need it, but you can find it here if you would like to review. The most likely instance where our EAP would be needed is in the event of a fire alarm. We encourage all tenants to review that section of our EAP and know where our rally point is located (hint: it’s at the EPA’s main entrance on 16th Street). 


Please contact in order to start that discussion. The storage cages offered vary in size and cost, and the monthly fee would be added to your organization’s invoice. Additional storage space is also available in the common areas where the sinks and cabinets are. Please store things like personal cups/mugs or office supplies there.

Yes, we offer several options to get you set up with a desk phone, vanity number, etc. Please reach out to for details! 

Should you have a significant number or large items, our dumpsters in the alley are available to our tenants. The green dumpster is for trash, cream dumpster for recycling and brown bins for compost. Please ask our staff for the code to unlock the bins.

We do offer printing services! The cost to print or copy is $0.07/page for black and white and $0.20/page for color. We bill your usage back to your organization. If you’d like to get set up, we will need to schedule about 15 minutes to download the print drivers and set up your organization’s specific codes. You can print or copy anything from a USB drive without the print drivers, but you’ll need your organization’s print code, which should have been emailed to you when you became a tenant. Email us at if you need your organization’s code or if you’d like to schedule time to download the print drivers.


The janitorial team does not clean personal areas, just common areas. However, we offer cleaning supplies on each floor if you’d ever like to clean your desk space!

Each person is responsible for doing their own dishes. Please do not leave items in the sink and make sure to do your dishes in a timely manner.

Carpet is vacuumed nightly to help reduce debris. Cleaning occurs at a frequency that is based on foot traffic. For routine cleaning, main entrances are cleaned the most frequently and private offices the least frequently. In between these cleanings, our team walks many areas of the building to look for areas which need additional attention, including spills. For spills, we also have a spill kit which can help. We appreciate being notified when accidents happen. Desk chairs and other upholstery are also cleaned routinely—at least annually.


Each keycard is unique to each individual and your access may vary depending on your tenancy or coworking status. For Tenants, your key card will give you access to the building entrances, your organization’s suite and the elevators and stairwell. For coworkers, building access is only available during business hours (Monday through Friday, 8:30-5pm).

The only entrance that is unlocked during the day is the front door, which is currently unlocked from 7am to 5pm Monday through Thursday and 7am to 4:30pm on Friday. The suites, stairwells and elevator are not accessible to anyone without a keycard. If you are locked out after hours, please try emailing or call our after hours maintenance company at 303-595-8710.

If you have visitors and we need to get in touch with you, it’s sometimes easiest to call or text you. We also have a text messaging notification system for emergencies that can text your cell phone. However, it’s never required to provide us with your cell number—just recommended!

Yes, the water fountains are filtered.

You are welcome to email and we will review and approve your message to send to the whole community. Feel free to send out job postings, events your organization is hosting, questions or recommendations, requests for volunteers or pretty much anything you think your fellow tenants would be interested in knowing.

There are several things you can try! 

First, we always recommend hardwiring as the internet connection will be much faster and more stable, especially if you’re doing a lot of uploading/downloading or are using videoconferencing. In each conference room, there’s an ethernet cable coming out of the back of each phone/videoconferencing device that you can use to hardwire. There’s also an ethernet connection at your desk that you can use. If your computer doesn’t have an ethernet port, you can always find a USB adapter online or borrow one for the day from the front desk. 

If you need to use WiFi, make sure you’re connected to the TAC_Private network (not TAC_Guest). Close out of programs or tabs that you don’t need. Try turning your WiFi off and then on or even restarting your computer. Many internet issues come from the computer instead of the building’s WiFi network, so troubleshooting the computer is a good first step. 

If you’re still having issues, please let us know! You can come down to the front desk or email It’s really helpful if you can provide as many details as possible. For example, did the WiFi stop completely or is it just slow? What were you doing when it happened? Where were you in the building? Did you see an error message? All of those details will help us help you faster!


We are available to help you at any time! Please contact us for any forms you might need or questions in general. Until then, we’re looking forward to seeing you at the next tenant happy hour or community event!